See what parents say about my lessons!

Miss Vicki was wonderful with my children. They loved seeing her, taking instruction from her, and eventually showing off their new skills to her.

We thought Ms Vicki was great.

Vicki has taught all four of my children! We are incredibly thankful for the survival skills she’s taught them. What a priceless gift! Jessica H

Over the years, Vicki has taught my 2 sons to swim and is now teaching my 1 year old daughter. She is the best and very dedicated. We love Vicki and are so thankful for her!

Vickie is awesome with all 3 of our children, all vastly different comfort and skill levels. She is patient but firm and has even made my son comfortable and he has stranger danger. I am so appreciative of all she has done for our family. Our oldest can’t wait to come to class every day and our girl twin won’t stop practicing her skills in the bath or any water she is around. Catalina J

“To other parents who are considering toddler swim/self rescue training: I couldn't recommend ISR and Vicki more highly. Drowning is the leading cause of death for healthy kids aged 1-4, and you owe it to your kids to teach them how to be safe in it.“

I never thought my 3-year-old would learn these survival skills as quickly as she did but Vicki Miller was very supportive and patient in teaching her. She learned how to float in two lessons and never hesitated in trying what Ms. Vicki told her to do because of the trust Ms. Vicki built between herself and my daughter. The Instructors foster a trusting relationship that allows these survival lessons to take place. Shana A

Loved Ms Vicki! June still talks about her and wanting to swim with her. Leslie H

Vicki Miller was an amazing fit for my daughter, Kenzie. Kenzie is 3 and has Down syndrome, and Vicki had high expectations of her, just as she did for everyone. She was really good about incorporating verbal and visual cues as necessary to help Kenzie be successful.Jen

Vicki has the patience of a Saint with kiddos. And a heart of gold when they want to just hug on her for a quick second because they need a break. She is amazing!

Our 16 month old son started lessons with Vicki last month - gently learning how to hold onto the bar on the side, hold his breath, and float on his back/breathe through his nose. As lessons progressed, we could tell our son was becoming more stubborn, but Vicki stuck through it, and reassured us that he was making progress, despite his fussiness (I warned Vicki that our son is the most stubborn person I have ever met).

Even after an especially bad week, where he seemed to have regressed, and had an upset stomach all week, Vicki persisted with patience, new suggestions, and new approaches. When it came to his fifth week, and his tests in full clothes, our son went into the water, and instantly did as Vicki had taught him: find the surface, turn his body, go into his float, and start breathing/crying for help. He did it half a dozen times, with shoes+pants+jacket and my wife and I couldn't have been more proud of him.

I would encourage anyone who's considering ISR to watch the 4 minute Vox video on Infant Self Rescue. Our experience was absolutely identical, with him not loving the lessons, but still making great progress and having zero trauma or fear of water/pools. ISR is a science based process - it is definitely not water wings, and sing songs - but the end result is that your child learns how to respect the water and knows what to do to swim/save themselves in a worst case scenario.” Chris D - Austin

“Ms. Vicki has been working with my infant daughter for about 4 weeks now and...WOW! It is truly AMAZING how she is able to train these children in the ISR technique. As a first time mom, it made my heart swell and brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw my 12 month old daughter successfully float in a pool by herself. I knew at that moment that this class literally has taught my daughter how to save herself if heaven forbid she fell into a body of water. Ms. Vicki is great with the children (I have seen her work with kids from 11 months to 5 years). She explains what she is doing and why during the lesson so we, as parents, understand everything. She also teaches us how to properly interact in the water with our children to reinforce the skills they are learning in class. My daughter will definitely be taking the next tier class next summer. Having participated in this program, I would highly recommend Ms. Vicki's class to any parent.” Renee J - Round Rock

“We missed last years sign up and lessons but it was amazing what our son retained. He was a little hesitant on Day 1 but by the end he is asking to go swimming EVERY DAY! Miss Vicki is amazing and I can't wait for my daughter to have her first lessons this summer.” Lauren H - Georgetown

“Finished our lesson last summer. We went to pools a number of times after we completed the final check off. Everyone was so impressed that he could actually swim at only 18 months old. We just signed up this week for refresher lessons summer 2016. We can't wait to start back with Ms. Vicki.”

“We are about halfway through with our lessons and it's amazing how much our little guy has learned. He is 18 months old and my husband and I decided we wanted him to not only learn to swim, but to learn how to survive if he ever fell in the water. Vicki has been a wonderful instructor. I recommend ISR to all my friends and family with children.”

“I've been taking children to ISR lessons for almost 10 years. I am a huge fan of the program, and while we've always had excellent instructors, Vicki is definitely our favorite! Her passion for what she does really shines through in the way she interacts with her students! She is lovingly firm and precise in her instruction. She is truly committed to equipping children with the skills to necessary to be safe, confident swimmers!” Karen J - Austin

“Ms. Vicki has been working with my infant daughter for about 4 weeks now and...WOW! It is truly AMAZING how she is able to train these children in the ISR technique. As a first time mom, it made my heart swell and brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw my 12 month old daughter successfully float in a pool by herself. I knew at that moment that this class literally has taught my daughter how to save herself if heaven forbid she fell into a body of water. Ms. Vicki is great with the children (I have seen her work with kids from 11 months to 5 years). She explains what she is doing and why during the lesson so we, as parents, understand everything. She also teaches us how to properly interact in the water with our children to reinforce the skills they are learning in class. My daughter will definitely be taking the next tier class next summer. Having participated in this program, I would highly recommend Ms. Vicki's class to any parent.” Renee - Round Rock

”Duke loveeeed his lessons this year and was sad to have them end. He was swimming, floating and diving so well at the end of the lessons. We are planning a 2 day maintenance lessons in June and he is already asking about it. I could not recommend Ms. Vicki more! Alex - Round Rock

“Must have skills for all children. Worth every penny. I recommend to all parents. We started at age 18 months and by 2 my children were jumping off the diving board in the deep end and swimming. And both my children have a respect for the water which is so important.” Lauren - Georgetown

“We started ISR lessons with Vicki Miller when she was completing her ISR training and certification, and due to our vacation schedule, we had to finish with her alone after she obtained certification. She had her work cut out for her with W, since he both didn't like the water initially and even more so did not like being handed off from mom to someone he did not know well. Vicki was patient with our little screamer, tried different methods for getting him to calm down and learn, and managed to not only teach him the swim float swim sequence but also to win his trust such that the last few lessons he went to her without a fuss. Vicki also taught us to practice with him to keep his skills fresh. We have done that, and now he is a real little fish. We appreciate Vicki's flexibility, patience, and skill in teaching W drowning prevention skills.”

“My youngest is 5, E, and we just had a pool installed which prompted me to look into lessons. E was not afraid of the water but she absolutely could not swim. Vicki has a gentle approach to teaching and the progression from starting with reaching for the wall to being able to test out in clothes is very solid and reinforced each class. She goes at the pace established by the child and their ability. E was never afraid, she never cried. She really liked Vicki and her class. As E progressed, Vicki would challenge her more such as floating on her back for the count of 5. At the end of week 2 into week 3, the lessons clicked with E and after that she was really confident in the water and really able to swim. I have no doubt that if she fell in or was pushed, she’d be able to make it safely to the side. Ella tested out this week and we took lessons for a total of 4 weeks.”

“Ms. Vicki is GREAT! Our son is 20 months old and has learned SO much in only a few weeks! As a retired teacher, Vicki is naturally patient and supportive while still having great expectations for our son. I highly recommend Ms. Vicki's ISR lessons to anyone interested in giving their child the skills to survive in the awful event of an accidental fall into the water!”

“Miss Vicki is an awesome infant swim instructor. Last year my daughter took her lessons, fighting her the whole time as only a three year old can. By the end of the sessions my daughter passed the infant self rescue tests and was very comfortable in our pool. Vicki works with each child where they are and is able to determine how to help them reach success. This year we went back for refresher lessons and once again she worked with my strong willed daughter to maximize her learning. I highly recommend these lessons to all parents of infants and children.”

“We are about halfway through with our lessons and it's amazing how much our little guy has learned. He is 18 months old and my husband and I decided we wanted him to not only learn to swim, but to learn how to survive if he ever fell in the water. Vicki has been a wonderful instructor. I recommend ISR to all my friends and family with children.”

“We are a couple weeks in to our lessons and we are so impressed at the progress that our children have made in this short time! We have two young children 2 years old and 9 months old. Ms. Vicki has been great with both of kids and they both trust her. Our whole family loves being in the pool so we knew that this is something that we wanted to do and could not be more pleased with how things are going! We definitely recommend ISR and especially Ms Vicki to our friends and family!”